Right Choice Happenings Realty Ltd. Brokerage
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Right Choice Happenings Realty Ltd. Brokerage
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Kevin Murphy

Finishing Renovations on Kitchen and Bathroom

The bathroom is finally complete(minus having a door) and the kitchen is almost done with the floors laid. Once the cabinets are in and counter top down I’ll have a functioning kitchen.
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The Kitchen Renovations Getting Started

I am getting very close to having this project finished. My bedroom finally has some paint on it, and the kitchen is getting started. Once the kitchen is in the move will begin, it’s already booked and I’m running out of time!
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The Two Best Rooms to Renovate to Add Value to the Property

The house finally has some colour and is starting to progress nicely. The bathroom is the first room to get close to completion. Just a few more touches and it is completed. Kitchen is the next project room that is finally getting underway.
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Finish 2021 Strong in the Fall Real Estate Market

Accountability is what helps those succeed or prevents them from moving anywhere. Accountability is powerful and if you use it to help you, you can grow. If you can’t accept accountability it’s hard to improve. Where are you on your yearly goals?
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First Piece of Home Renovation Finished

Finally have one piece of the home finished and looking clean and respectable. This is the first thing I’ve had finished and makes the place look much better than the yellow smoke ceilings I had before. Soon the colours will be laid on and it will look like a liveable place!
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Dealing With Renovation Changes

Finally got the drywall up to cover the buster plaster and getting it ready for priming but I had a change of plans and turned to the bathroom. Laid some 12×12 tile to begin the updated bathroom and it’s on the way to be the first room finished in this property.
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Country Home Listing with Rookie Mistakes

This listing had a lot going on including getting multiple offers twice and 2 bully offers from the same realtor. My Seller was great to work with and very patient for the up and down ride this listing presented. Was great to work with this Seller to get this great property sold for her
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How Weather Can Hurt your Listing

I had a unique situation that I hope I never have to deal with again on one of my listings… We had a desirable home go up with some features not often found. After we received a great offer, mother nature had the biggest rainfall in years and we had basement windows accidentally left open....
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Making Sacrifices to Reach your Dreams

My first step in purchasing an income property was knowing I’m going to sacrifice the luxuries that come with single family homes. Knowing I’ll have less space, and tenants and other people around my property. Next I set my numbers on what I wanted to pay per month after rent received to be able to...
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Severing and Selling A Fantastic Investment Piece!

Had the opportunity of selling a building lot in my favourite town in Niagara. Not only that, but got to help a Seller cash in on his investment. The market changed so much from the original analysis to the time of list that we actually increased our listing price of choice by $50,000 and sold...
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