Right Choice Happenings Realty Ltd. Brokerage
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Right Choice Happenings Realty Ltd. Brokerage
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All of Right Choice Happenings Realty Ltd. Brokerage Real Estate Listings can be found here, they are updated daily! If you are having a hard time finding what you are looking for we have access to the entire Realtor.ca catalog! 

Buying a Home?

Are you ready to buy your first home? We love working with first time home buyers and will make sure you get the right deal. We take the time to make sure you know what to expect and work for you 24/7. Let us help you find the right home today!

Selling Your Home?

Are you thinking about selling your home? There are many factors you should consider when selling your home, we are ready to start working with you from day one. Leave the stress of selling your home and focus on finding your next home! 


We know we’re the Right Choice for all your Real Estate needs! However, don’t take our word for it, listen to what our past Buyers and Sellers have to say about us! 

Home Value

Knowing the TRUE value of your home has never been more important, the market is extremely fluid and correct pricing ensures maximum Selling value!  

Right Choice Team

Who is part of the RightChoice Team? We are a group of highly energized professionals always looking for the next challenge! Think you’re a perfect fit? Let us know!